P.O. Box 144
Clayton Ohio, 45315
This chapter, under “pending” charter from the National Association of Buffalo Soldiers & Troopers Motorcycle Club (NABSTMC), known as the Dayton Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club aka (DBSMC), Dayton Ohio shall be governed first by the Constitution and the Rules and Regulations of the Nationals Association of Buffalo Soldiers & Troopers Motorcycle Club hereto with known as the NABSTMC and secondly by following the Standard Operating Procedures set forth by the governing body of the DBSMC Chapter.
The purpose of the Dayton Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club is:
1) To promote safe motorcycling and to educate our society on the rich history of the Buffalo Soldiers US Army 9th and 10th Cavalry and their contributions to American history.
2) Provide money for local and national tax-exempt charities pursuant to 501© (3) of the IRS, whose mission is harmonious with the Dayton Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club.
3) To be active in the community serving programs such as food banks, backpacks for school children, toy ride, military vet-funeral services, and lending aid to the mentally and physically challenged children and adults.
4) Use our motorcycles as iron horses to help tell the story of the buffalo soldiers, to engage young people in horseback riding, camping, fishing, canoeing, boating, and understanding the great outdoors.
5) To provide educational opportunity through scholarships and other aid to the underserved disenfranchised students in need of help in furthering their education.
6) To ensure that all programs offered by the Dayton Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club are managed in accordance with the NABSTMC’s constitution, policies, guidelines and standards.
The Dayton Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club “SHALL NOT”, as a corporate entity, attempt to influence legislation or participate in political campaigns for public office.
1) The Dayton Buffalo Soldiers organization, its officers, and its members when riding their motorcycle will comply with all NABSTMC’s regulations as for Attire, Footgear, and Equipment.
2) No drinking of Alcohol, or imperative drugs before or during the operation of your iron horse (Motorcycle).
3) The Dayton Buffalo Soldiers organization when riding as a unit will adhere to all state regulation, rules of the road, and state safety guidelines.
4) When riding as a group, the DBSMC shall be respectful with they music that is being played especially in gas stations and rest breaks.
5) The Road Captain has great authority and an especially important job (SAFETY). The Road Captain oversees road trips to and from the designated destination. Once the group reaches its destination, the highest-ranking officer is in charge. The Road Captain also has the authority to impose and collect fines by classification during or after said road trip. (NOTE: SAFETY IS EVERYONE'SBUSINESS)
6) Full members, who decide to terminate membership can do so at anytime, but the club officers shall be required to collect their colors.
1) The revenues to pursue the objectives of the organization shall be derived from solicitation of donations and revenue-producing activities conducted by the organization under the guidance and supervision of the Chapter Executive Board.
2) All revenue-producing activity ideas will be presented to the officers at a regular club meeting to be voted on.
3) All revenues and donations to the Dayton Buffalo Soldiers MC club will be recorded using the checks and balance system by the secretary and treasurer.
4) Funds used for regular business will be voted on at regular meetings, only in the event of an emergency business shall the treasure, along with one other Executive Board member can make use of chapter funds.
5) The chapter treasure will ensure all chapter bills are paid, such as i.e., insurance and will report any expenditures in the monthly treasury report along with any other used or received funds.
1) Must complete a membership application and background information screening.
2) Must possess a Class M license along with a properly insured motorcycle 750cc or above.
3) Complete a probationary period, not to exceed nine (9) months, including satisfying the organization’ miles requirements.
4) Must have completed or will complete a widely recognized motorcycle safety course.
5) All requests for exception to policy will be forwarded to the NABSTMC chain of command for approval.
6) Any Active, Reserve, or Retired Armed Forces/Law Enforcement/Public Safety personnel, or any up-standing person at least 21 years of age, are eligible for membership
1) The Dayton Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) “DOES NOT” in any form change, attempt to change, or alter the Constitution of the NABSTMC. This SOP is a simple understanding of the Dayton Buffalo Soldiers M.C. day to day operations and activities.
Any conflict with the understanding of the SOP, the NABSTMC Constitution will take precedence.
1) All full patch members must pay their $52.00 donation to NABSTMC
2) Chapter donations of $100.00
3) All Associate members must pay their $52.00 donation to the NABSTMC
4) All Chapters money given will be through the Secretary, then to the Treasurer to ensure checks and balance records of all exchanges with complete clarity and transparency.
5) All donations made to the NABSTMC should be submitted via the members portal “Wild Apricot”.
1) There shall be regular meetings of the members and other meetings as decided upon. The club President is overall responsible for everything the club does and fails to do. The Vice President is part of the support chain of command to have final authority only in the absence of the President. The Secretary will be responsible for recording and disseminating information on all business discussions within the chapter. The Treasure has the power of the Purse by committee, and will oversee the distribution, Collection, and Payments of all club monies and provide monthly reports.
2) All meetings will be conducted in a professional, and courteous manner. Robert’s rules of order will govern all club meetings and matters not covered by the Constitution.
3) Colors” WILL BE” worn at all club meetings which include any Zoom meetings.
4) The Dayton Buffalo Soldiers MC members will meet monthly; 10 o’clock am the second Saturday of the month, Buckeye Harley Davison, Vandalia Ohio, North Dixie Rd. for as long as the establishment will allow our club to use their meeting room, unless changed to a special meeting time or location.
5) Meetings will take place except for inclement weather that may make travel unsafe; January, February for most years in Ohio, some December.
6) Members should be at the meeting at least 10 min. before start time. A ten 10min. to start time announcement will be made so everyone can take their place. Habitual tardiness may result in a ($) fine.
7) Opening the meeting with Roll call, Prayer, and the Buffalo Soldier MC Creed. The Sergeant of Arms will ensure the meeting place is secured, and the order of operations is carried out in accordance with the Constitution following the agenda.
8) Old Business, New Business, and all identified executive board reports will be reported at each monthly meeting.
9) Club events and rides for the year should be placed on the yearly calendar, but not limited to the events on the calendar, voted on and approved in the beginning of the year, to be reviewed monthly.
10) Chapter Business is private and will remain Confidential, and will not be discussed with anyone outside of the Buffalo Soldiers MC.
11) Each month the chapter will have at least one member give a historic account about the Buffalo Soldiers, followed by chapter discussion.
12) Riding formation, and safety rules classes will be conducted by the Road Captain, President, or his or her nominee monthly.
13) Any special events, birthdays, hospitalized, sick or shut-in cards or flowers that are appropriate to encourage and recognize members or events by committee monthly.
14) Members and Probates are expected to behave in such a manner as to avoid discrediting or dishonoring the club, not only, but especially when wearing colors.
1) The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for ensuring the Bylaws and the S.O.P of the club are not violated, and the order of the DBSMC are executed in an expeditious manner.
2) Many Organizations have its own set of rules/policies, fines (for when those rules/policies are violated), and procedures regarding the process and SOP rule enforcement.
3) When it comes to rule violations and fining procedures, most organizations follow the same basic structure with respect to enforcing rules and assessing fines/penalties.
4) Listed below are the proposed Fines and the associated Fees.
1. Not wearing Colors $10.00
2. Not following dress code (see below) $5.00
Red Shirt – Event / Rides / Chapter Meetings $5.00
Yellow shirt – National Events / Rides $5.00
Black pants $5.00
Black Boots/shoes – Proper Riding footwear $5.00
3. Phone not silenced in meeting $2.00
4. Late to meeting $3.00
5. Inappropriate language (Offensive to others) $2.00
(While these fine may appear to be punitive in nature, they are simply a measure/method to encourage decorum and maintain the high level of professionalism that the Buffalo Soldiers MC seek to maintain)
The above SOP is to regulate the Dayton Buffalo Soldiers M.C. day to day operation, to promote fellowship, harmony, and good organized motorcycling. Honoring the rich and often forgotten legacy, and history of the Men and Women of color, of the US Army’s 9th & 10th Cavalry.
Riding our motorcycle as iron horses to promote good community role models. We wear the colors of the units that made history during defining events of our country with the odds stacked against them.
We are in no way affiliated, allied with or party to any 1% motorcycle Clubs of any kind. We are a Nation of Professionals and Public Servants’ men and women who love riding their motorcycles, discriminating against No One. Only wanting to use our God given gifts to serve the communities in which we live and work in, while riding our Motorcycles.
The SOP’S were approved by the Executive Board at a regular meeting held on 10/22/2022 in witness, where the following officers affix their signature.
PRESIDENT: JERRY “TOP” NEWSOME _________________
SECRETARY: CHARLES “SPORTY” ROBINSON _________________________
TREASURER: DARRLY “MAC” McFADDEN ____________________
Acceptance Agreement of the Dayton BSMC SOP
I, ________________________________________, if voted in as a Full Patch member or as an Associate, and once I begin to wear the NABSTMC Colors (consisting of 5 pieces: Upper Rocker, dark blue felt with gold chenille letters ‘BUFFALO’ The lower rocker is the same material and color with the letters ‘SOLDIERS’ The lower rocker has a lower line of letters with the name of the state the chapter is based in. Two single letter pieces dark blue felt gold chenille letter ‘M & C’ These are arranged on either side of the center piece. The center piece is the image of the soldier with cap, gloves and saber. It is a combination of silk screen, chenille and embroidery and is the trademark of the NABSTMC, I will abide by and to adhere all rules, regulations, policies and standards set forth by the NABSTMC, the Great Lakes Frontier, and the Dayton BSMC Chapter.
If for any reason I, ______________________________________ lose my membership by unanimous vote by any executive board of the NABSTMC or The Buffalo Soldiers MC Dayton Chapter or in the event of my resignation of my own freewill and accord, I will without duress or hesitation return the Colors to the President of the Dayton Chapter immediately.
I fully understand that the Colors are the property of the NABSTMC and the Buffalo Soldiers MC Dayton Chapter. The Colors are not mine to keep but to wear as a representative of the organization as so long as I am a member in good standing. I also understand that legal action can and will be used to retrieve Colors if I do not fulfill my obligation or adhere to my promise to return them.
Signature: ___________________________ Date: _____________
The Dayton Chapter BSMC adopted a section of highway on US Route 42 down the street from Charles Youngs Buffalo Soldiers National Monument in Xenia Ohio.
The Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument, a National Monument of the United States, commemorates the life of Charles Young, son of an escaped slave who rose to become a Buffalo Soldier in the United States Army and its first African American Colonel.